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What is Time? Does time exist? Philosophical approach


The Illusion of Time: A Philosophical Exploration by Arasp Kazemian


Time is one of the most profound and controversial topics in philosophy. It shapes our lives, our decisions, and our understanding of existence. Yet, what is time? Is it a tangible entity, or is it merely an illusion? In this article, we delve into the philosophical exploration of time, guided by the insights of Arasp Kazemian, also known as Araspus. Through his thought-provoking perspective, we will examine the nature of time, its existence, and its implications on our lives.

The Concept of Time

Time is often perceived as a linear progression from the past to the future, with the present serving as a fleeting moment in between. We measure time in seconds, minutes, hours, and years, but does this measurement truly capture its essence? Arasp Kazemian challenges this conventional understanding by proposing that time, as we know it, may not exist at all.

The Past, Present, and Future

Araspus introduces a compelling analogy to explain the nature of time. Imagine two large tanks connected by a small pipe. The upper tank represents the future, the lower tank symbolizes the past, and the small pipe signifies the present. Water flows from the future (upper tank) through the present (pipe) into the past (lower tank). This flow represents the continuous passage of time.

However, Araspus argues that both the future and the past are non-existent. The future is an abstract concept, something that has not yet happened, while the past is a collection of memories that no longer exist. The present, on the other hand, is so fleeting that it is almost impossible to grasp.

The Illusion of Time

According to Arasp Kazemian, time is an illusion created by our perception of change. We observe changes in the world around us—the rising and setting of the sun, the changing seasons, and the aging of our bodies—and attribute these changes to the passage of time. However, these changes are not evidence of time’s existence but rather a result of our limited perspective.

Araspus draws on the philosophy of Aristotle, who argued that nothing can come from nothing and that nothing can return to nothing. If the future is non-existent and the past is non-existent, then the present, which is merely a transition between the two, cannot exist either. This leads to the conclusion that time, as we understand it, is an illusion.

The Human Experience of Time

Despite the philosophical argument that time does not exist, humans experience it as a fundamental aspect of life. We plan for the future, reflect on the past, and live in the present. How do we reconcile this experience with the idea that time is an illusion?

The Loop of Changes

Arasp Kazemian - آراسپ کاظمیان

Arasp Kazemian suggests that humans are trapped in a “loop of changes.” We observe and experience changes in our environment and within ourselves, and we attribute these changes to the passage of time. This loop creates the illusion that time is real, even though it may not be.

For example, we predict that the sun will rise tomorrow because we have observed it rising every day. However, this prediction is not based on the existence of time but rather on our observation of a recurring pattern. The future, in this sense, is not a real entity but a projection of our expectations based on past experiences.

The Present Moment

The present moment is often considered the only real aspect of time. However, Araspus argues that even the present is too fleeting to be considered real. As soon as we perceive the present, it becomes the past. This constant transition from future to past through an almost non-existent present further supports the idea that time is an illusion.

The Philosophical Implications

If time is an illusion, what does this mean for our understanding of existence, life, and death? Arasp Kazemian explores these questions, offering a unique perspective on the human condition.

Life and Death

Araspus suggests that life and death are not bound by time. If time does not exist, then the concepts of birth, aging, and death are merely changes within the loop of existence. Our lives are like shadows, fleeting and insubstantial, yet deeply meaningful within the context of our experiences.

The Role of Philosophy

Philosophy, according to Arasp Kazemian, is a tool for questioning and understanding the nature of reality. While psychology and other disciplines may focus on the human experience within the framework of time, philosophy challenges us to look beyond this framework and explore the deeper truths of existence.


Arasp Kazemian’s exploration of time challenges us to rethink our understanding of this fundamental concept. By questioning the existence of time and examining its philosophical implications, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity of existence. Time may be an illusion, but our experiences within this illusion are undeniably real.

As we continue to ponder the nature of time, let us embrace the present moment, not as a fleeting instant, but as a profound opportunity to connect with the essence of our being.

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